Bureau Expert Interview
December 13, 2010
Steven Heller did a Q and A session for young designers and interview with Kristin Lamprecht of the design blog Design Bureau.
The Sketchbook: A Designer’s Best Friend
December 7, 2010

Design Taxi posted a review of Lita Talarico and Steven Heller’s new book Graphic: Inside the Sketchbooks of the World’s Great Graphic Designers.
Creative Mornings Presentation
December 4, 2010
Earlier this year in September, Steven Heller was invited to speak at a CreativeMornings gathering at Galapagos Art Space in DUNMBO.
Marian Bantjes, Illuminated
December 1, 2010

For the New York Times TStyle blog, Steven Heller takes a look at designer and illustrator, Marian Bantjes’s beautifully crafted new book Illuminated.
December 1, 2010

As part of the guest lecturer series at the School of Visual Arts MFA Interaction Design program, Steven Heller was recently invited to give his presentation “Nostalgia for the Future: Or Did Design Save the World?” The MFA IXDA department also does a snap shot of every guests workspace and asks them to choose one meaningful workspace object to describe. You can read Steve’s description of his space at SVA here.
ARS 360 Interview
November 30, 2010
The Slovenian television program ARS 360 interviewed Steven Heller after a recent presentation titled “Nostalgia for the Future: Or Did Design Save the World?”
Jonathan Safran Foer’s Book as Art Object
November 24, 2010

Steven Heller contriubted a post to the New York Times blog Paper Cuts covering a new book by artist and designer Jonathan Safran Foer, Tree of Codes.
Miss Branding: A Cautionary Tale
November 15, 2010

Steven Heller takes a look at 1957 B-Film, Blood of Dracula, and the lessons taught by the head teacher: Miss Branding, for his latest post on Design Observer.
Just My Type book Review
November 8, 2010
Steven Heller reviewed Simon Garfield’s book Just My Type: A Book About Fonts for the Financial Times.
Blab World No. 1
November 6, 2010

Steven Heller has contributed a loving analysis of R. Crumb’s Weirdo Covers to the first Blab World.
Another Great IDEA
November 2, 2010

For the New York Times TStyle blog, Steven Heller takes a look at the Japanese graphic design magazine IDEA: International Graphic Art and Typography which is now in it’s 343rd issue.
Born Modern Book Party
October 26, 2010

Steven Heller and Elaine Lustig Cohen will be celebrating the launch of their book Born Modern: The Life and Design of Alvin Lustig at the AIGA National Design Center in New York.
2010 OFFF Festival Video from Delabribeautout
October 8, 2010
Video from the 2010 OFF Festival.
Silent Pictures
October 8, 2010

Steven Heller’s latest New York Times Sunday Book Review covers American wood engraver and illustrator Lynd Ward’s Six Novels in Woodcuts edited by Art Spiegelman.
Milton Glaser, Still Questioning
October 6, 2010

For the New York Times TStyle blog, Steven Heller take a look at designer Milton Glaser, who at 81, is still creating relevant design. Glaser has a show currently on exhibition “In Search of the Miraculous or One Thing Leads to Another,” at the AIGA National Design Center.
Steven Heller, “Born Modern: Alvin Lustig, Designer”
October 5, 2010
Steven Heller gave a guest lecture presentation at the School of Visual Arts MFA Design Criticism department. In this lecture, Heller reflects on Alvin Lustig’s prolific but tragically brief design career and the extent to which it epitomized the working processes, identity and preoccupations of the 20th century graphic designer. Through his genre-defining book jackets, magazines, interiors and textiles, Lustig brought the principles of modern art to bear on mid-20th century American design, and created a magnificent body of work before his untimely death in 1955 at the age of 40.Op Ed at 40: Four Decades of Art
September 26, 2010

Steven Heller along with contirubting artists and illustrators are featured on the New York Times Op Ed at 40: Four Decades of Art video.
Heller on Heller
September 17, 2010
Steven Heller takes a look at the packaging and design of Heller dishware designed by Massimo Vignelli for Design Observer.
Vignelli’s Herald (or Heralding Vignelli)
September 15, 2010

Steven Heller takes a look at The Herald designed by Massimo Vignelli in the early 70s and compares it to modern contemporary newspaper design for Design Observer.
Where Is My Vote?
September 9, 2010
Steven Heller discusses the exhibition “Where Is My Vote? Posters for the Green Movement in Iran” on view at the Visual Arts Gallery through September 25, 2010.
Daily Motion
September 3, 2010
Steven Heller talks about Becoming a Digital Designer and Becoming a Graphic Designer for Daily Motion.
Thurston Moore’s Indie Books
September 1, 2010
For the New York Times T Style Blog, Steven Heller takes a look at the recent indie book startup Ecstatic Peace Library. Thurston Moore of Sonic Youth and the editor/publisher Eva Prinz’s imprint features art, design, photography and poetry books, including “Fly Me” by Yoko Ono, a limited-edition book and box of kites, each with a kite frame, strings, instructions on flying and a message from Ono. Read the full post here.
What are the legal and ethical lines in the sand with regard to intellectual property and images?
August 30, 2010
Steven Heller is a contributing participant in the Philip Johnson Glass House Conversation site. This week, Heller started a conversation surrounding the topic of intellectual property, the conversation specifically deals with the recent law suit involving Shepard Fairey and his HOPE poster for the Barack Obama presidential campaign. To view the ongoing debate, click here.
Becoming a Graphic Designer: 4th Edition
August 28, 2010

The fourth edition of Steven Heller and Teresa Fernandes’s book Becoming a Graphic Designer from John Wiley and Sons is due out in October 2010. This new edition will feature fully updated information on the latest trends in evolving design disciplines as well as new coverage of digital editorial design, information design, packaging design, design management, and entrepreneurship.
Old and New
August 23, 2010
Check out the brief interview with Steven Heller for Design Bureau, Heller touches on the cycle of inspiration.
Graphic: Inside the Sketchbooks of the World’s Great Graphic Designers
August 12, 2010

Get an early look at Steven Heller and Lita Talarico’s latest book that provides and inside look at sketchbooks from some of the most amazing designers from around the world.
Surrealism for Art and Profit
August 4, 2010
In this post for the New York Times T Style Blog, Steven Heller looks at the use of surrealism by illustrators and ad agencies in the mid to late 20th century and a recent exhibition titled “UUncanny: Surrealism and Graphic Design,” at the Moravian Gallery in Brno, Czech Republic curated by English design critic Rick Poynor.
Do You Copy? The Visuals of Ham Radio
July 28, 2010

For this weeks Design Observer post Steven Heller looks at the visual graphics of the first social network—the ham radio.
July 13, 2010

Finally Kevin O’Callaghan - THE BOOK! will be published this Fall. O’C is a design wizard and Monumental is his manifesto, featuring hundreds of beautiful and useful design objects made out of obsolete, useless, cast-off technology. Since 1985, O’Callaghan has taught a now-legendary 3-D design class at New York’s School of Visual Arts, where students solder, rivet, and weld the flotsam of mass-produced consumer culture into new, different, and, most importantly, functional objects. This book is the record of his monumental feats up uuntil now.
ETAPES Interview
July 13, 2010
Steven Heller discusses the value of design criticism with the French art and culture Web site Etapes.
The Daily Heller
July 11, 2010
If you keep up with Steven Heller’s blog at Print Magazine: The Daily Heller, the blog has a new URL: http://imprint.printmag.com/daily-heller/.A Fount of Fonts
July 7, 2010

In his most recent post for The New York Times T Style Blog, Steven Heller introduces Tipoteca Italiana a private foundation located in Venice, Italy that was founded in 1995 to advance printing knowledge and preserve venerable printing technologies&emdash;and one of the excursions for the School of Visual Arts Masters in Italy program.
OFFF Festival Presentation
June 26, 2010
Roma Iskandarov recorded Steven Heller’s presentation at the 2010 OFFF Festival in France, you can also read a translated report on on the presentation. An additional video of Heller’s presentation can be seen here.
Fascist Seduction
June 21, 2010

In his most recent post for Design Observer, Steven Heller looks at Esposizione Universale Roma, known as EUR, the white marble and limestone city-within-a-city in the south-western part of Rome, originally designed during the regime of Benito Mussolini to be the new Fascist capital.
OFFF Festival
June 16, 2010

Steven Heller will be opening the International Festival for the Post-Digital Creation Culture in Paris on June 24. Learn more about the event here
File Magazine: Issue 3
June 8, 2010

Steven Heller has contributed an article on the work of designer Ladislav Sutnar for the third issue of FILE Magazine.
SVA Masters Workshop in Italy Journal
June 3, 2010

Keep up with Steven Heller, Lita Talarico and the rest of the participants in this years Masters in Italy workshop by following along with the MFA Design blog
Whistle While You Work?
June 3, 2010

An exhibition called “America at Work: Art and Propaganda in the Early 20th Century” opens on Tuesday at the Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art at the University of Florida in Gainesville. It resurrects 30 posters, along with a selection of prints that were designed for the Works Progress Administration during the Great Depression. Steven Heller presents a selection of the posters in his post for the New York Times T Style blog.
A More Cheerful New York Subway Map
June 2, 2010

Steven Heller examines the new subway map from the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to be released sometime this month for the New York Times Art & Design section.
Design Intervention and the Design of Dissent
May 23, 2010

Steven Heller will be giving a presentation on Graphic propaganda and a survey of protest and agitation produced from designers from 1900 to the present (including the anti-Obama visual commentary seen today).
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Palazzo Delle Esposizioni
Rams’ principles series: 6 of 10
May 20, 2010
The design blog Inksie created a ten-part series based on Dieter Rams’ Ten Principles of Good Design. The Journal asked writers and illustrators to contribute to the project. Each writer wrote on one of Rams&rsquo principles; each illustrator reacted to a writer&rsquos essay. Steven Heller was teamed up with Ocular Invasion to comment on Rams’ principle “Design is Honest”.A Logo Legend
May 5, 2010

Steven Heller takes a look at the work of often over-looked designer Don Ervin for the New York Times T Style Blog.
Home Is the Sailor, Home from the Sea
April 27, 2010
Steven Heller takes a look at the previously unrealeased book title The Fathers are Coming Home from Margaret Wiese Brown, author of Good Night Moon and illustrated by Stephen Savage. You can read the review on Design Observer.
April 26, 2010

Steven Heller takes a look at how graphic design influences popular culture in his latest release for Allworth Press: POP: How Graphic Design Shapes Popular Culture, due out in July of this year. Through a collection of related essays addressing such areas as type as language, design objects, and popular iconography; decoration and decorum; advertising and art; and more, the notion of POP culture is viewed through the lens of graphic design and its affinities.
Alvin Lustig Book
April 25, 2010

Steven Heller has been working with Elaine Lustig Cohen on an upcoming title from Chronicle Books Born Modern: The Life and Design of Alvin Lustig due out for release later this year.
Anatomy of a Benjamin
April 23, 2010
Last week, the US Teasury introduced its new $100 bill. For the New York Times Week in Review, Steven Heller takes a look at the new design and features intended to frustrate high-tech counterfeiters.
AIGA Baltimore: The Design Entrepreneur
April 20, 2010
On May 6 at the College of Notre Dame, Steven Heller will be presenting his lecture on Design Entrepreneurisim and looking at “what’s now” and “what’s next.”. You can learn more about the upcoming presentation at the AIGA Baltimore website.
The Designer as Activist
April 7, 2010
In his latest post for the T-Style Blog, Steven Heller takes a look at designers who produce content beyond their clients’ wants to fight for human values. Read more about his latest trip to Belgrade and the Author or Universial Soldier conference.
Company Logos for Less
April 6, 2010
Steven Heller was approached by Inc. Magazin’s Leigh Buchanan to give his feedback regarding a recent set of logo presentations developed by a series of online design service companies claiming to offer “stellar company logos for half the price.” You can read about the experience and the feedback from Steven Heller here.
Metropolis’s “Fearsom Foursome” Celebrates a Decade in Design
March 26, 2010
Steven Heller was invited to participate in an anniversary party hosted by Metropolis Magazine celebrating the work of their core editorial team who have been at the center of the magazine’s mission to critically cover all aspects of design for over a decade. You can view photos from the night here.
Recalling the Craze for a Game of Chance
March 15, 2010
For the New York Times Arts section, Steven Heller takes a look at “Project Mah Jongg,” an extensive exhibit opening at the Museum of Jewish Heritage on May 4 and continuing through December, designed by Pentagram partner, Abbott Miller.
Design Author or Universal Soldier
March 13, 2010

Steven Heller participated in the “Design Author or Universal Soldier” conference in Belgrade, Serbia where MFAD faculty member Milton Glaser was honored in abstentia with an exhibition at the Belgrade Department Store in the heart of Belgrade this past week (until April 10). The exhibit was organized by fellow lecturer and collaborator, Mirko Ilic.
Becoming a Designer in the Age of Aquarius
March 10, 2010
Steven Heller’s post for Design Observer uncovers S. Neil Fujita’s Aim for a Job in Graphic Design/Art, (Richards Rosen Press, New York)&emdash;a fount of professional intelligence for an emerging field. It is also a slice of lost graphic design history worth reprising.
Escape from Illustration Island
March 9, 2010

Thomas James interviews Steven Heller for Episode 25 of the podcast Escape from Illustration Island. Together they discuss the Illustrator/Art Director relationship, as well as ways that artists can build a solid portfolio and learn from the history of Illustration.
The World as Their Canvas
March 5, 2010

For the New York Times Sunday Book Review, Visuals Column Steven Heller reviews a series of books for cartographic enthusiast.
Interview and Conversation on Design Chat
February 28, 2010
DesignChat talks with Steven Heller about his work as the co-chair for Designer as Author program at the School of Visual Arts. Steven also discusses how his early work for underground papers and the anti-establishment helped shape his creative voice, and how this translates to visual communication today.
Olympic Pictograms Through the Ages
February 24, 2010
Steven Heller traces the evolution of the tiny symbols for each Olympic sport since their appearance in 1936 in a animated presentation for the New York Times.
Impact! Design for Social Change
February 18, 2010
Together with Mark Randall of World Studio, Steven Heller has helped launch Impact! Design for Social Change, a 6-week, summer intensive program at the School of Visual Arts focused on design for social good.
Film at First Sight
February 3, 2010

Steven Heller blogs on the eveloution of the art of movie titling and the recent trend to reverting back to static titling in his post for The New York Times Graphic Content Blog.
Conversation at The Glass House
January 28, 2010
Steven Heller participated in a discussion titled “Solution or Sacrilege” at the Phillip Johnson Glass House, the day and a half intensive was focused on addressing the challenges and opportunities for teaching, practicing and preserving modernism.
Yours Very Turly
January 20, 2010
Check out the online flip through of Steven Heller’s contribution to Esopus Magazine, No. 4, Spring 2005 titled “Found Object: Yours Very Truly”.
Harsh Words from T.M. Cleland
January 20, 2010
Steven Heller’s latest post for Design Observer is a look at early design criticism of book design by Thomas Maitland Cleland, specifically, his 1940 presentation at the AIGA’s 17th Annual exhibition of the “Fifty Books of the Year”.
Sarasota Design Conference
January 19, 2010
Steven Heller will be presenting on the first day (February 5) of the 2010 Sarasota Design Conference at Ringling College. Steve’s topic of presentation will be the “The Designer as Entrepreneur and Author”.
The Wild Years
January 16, 2010
Directed by Nicolas Heller and Produced by Steven Heller “The Wilde Years” is the first film collaboration by father and son.
Steven Heller/Stefan Sagmeister/Typo Berlin 08/Sum Up
January 12, 2010
Steven Heller and Stefan Sagmeister’s presentation from Typo Berlin 2008 has been posted in 6 parts, including the video shown above.
Freedom of the Fence
January 8, 2010
Steven Heller contributes to the documentary Freedom of the Fence by Andrea Marks. Freedom of the Fence is a 40 minute documentary about the history of Polish posters and their significance to the social, political and cultural life of Poland. The film examines the period from WWII through the fall of Communism, and captures the paradox of how this unique art form flourished within a Communist regime.
New NOSE: “Crime Today”
January 7, 2010

The new edition of The NOSE, edition number 20, titled “Crime Today” has been released.